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class PeriodSeasonality(Seasonality)

Base class for constraints based realistic period seasonalities.

See DailySeasonality, WeeklySeasonality, YearlySeasonality. Finest granularity for constraints and generation is microseconds. The interpolation method is PCHIP.


  • time_value_constraints - A dict of {time: value} constraints. The curve will pass through these points. Pass time as a timedelta in the period frame. For instance, for daily seasonality, the timedelta must be between 0:00:00 and 23:59:59.
  • utc_offset - The offset from UTC of the time. For instance, if you give constraints with GMT-8 times in mind, pass timedelta(hours=-8). Default behavior considers times are passed as UTC.
  • normalize - transform constraints to a multiplication factor for easy use in multiplicative interactions. Eg: [5, 10, 15] --> [0.5, 1, 1.5].